Month: April 2020


After the success of the Home Alone Open, where we had over 40 Sleveners sign-up, we’ve been keeping tabs on competitions and initiatives to keep your competitive juices flowing and we’ve found just the one for you!

Your Nutrition Roundup

Many of you are finding you have a lot more time in the day and there is no better time to get a handle on your nutrition. Gone are the days of picking up whatever you can from Pret and just eating the first thing you can put your hands on. With a little extra time in the day, why not spend it meal prepping? You not only have more time to cook but to plan ahead and go shopping.

With that in mind, we’re providing this fantastic recipe pack chock full of ideas. Take the time to choose a couple of your favourites, get the ingredients in and batch cook some food!


Week 4 of QUARANTEAM starts today! Our third weekly task, to learn something has come to an end. The goal of our weekly task is to change habits and get you doing something you wouldn’t normally do day-to-day. Many of us have a love-hate relationship with running, but there has never been a better time to run: the weather is ideal and, with gyms closed, it’s a great way to get some exercise done. Our new weekly task is to run for 60 minutes over the course of the week. Break this up however you wish: 3 or 4 shorter runs or a couple of longer efforts.

Spell Your Name WOD

We have a little treat in store for you on Wednesday led by Coach Emma! CrossFit is about constantly varied training, but that doesn’t mean the training is random. Saying that, we’re switching up our regular programming and adding a little bit of randomness. The WOD is simple, spell your name: first, middle and last based on the movements assigned for each letter and do it for 20 minutes!

Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup

Smoothie Saturday is quickly becoming part of many Sleveners’ weekly routine! Not only do you get to try out a new recipe but chat with nutritionist Tom on the hot topics of the week. Come with questions or just have a listen and we bet you’ll leave the chat feeling a bit more connected to your fellow Sleveners and hopefully having learned something too.


With the period of self-isolation beginning to drag, it’s important to keep active both mentally and physically but it’s also important to keep some perspective and not beat yourself up too much if you’re lacking motivation and feeling down. Remember, what you’re seeing on Instagram is not reality so comparing yourself to others is only going to be detrimental!

Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup

We had a brilliant turnout for our Smoothie Saturday yesterday where we talked smoothie recipes, nutrition, training and even compared life to a WOD! We’re hosting it again on Saturday 18th April at 11:00. Come with questions or just have a listen and we bet you’ll leave the chat feeling a bit more connected to your fellow Sleveners and hopefully having learned something too.


There is plenty going on at Sleven, on top of our daily programming we are hitting you daily with QUARANTEAM, Q&As, recipes, zoom classes, bingo nights and competitions! Below is a condensed schedule of ongoing events.

Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup

Welcome to our weekly nutrition newsletter! Every Sunday, we will update you on everything nutrition related at Sleven. Our partners, pH Nutrition have been hard at work creating exclusive content for you and we hope that you can benefit from the information we provide!

Support Your Local Box

The Support Your Local Box Fundraiser is a CrossFit event for the benefit of CrossFit affiliates affected by COVID-19 around the globe. The temporary closures and distance between us cannot keep this community apart. Affiliates around the world have demonstrated this through their actions over the past few weeks. Now, the entire CrossFit community has an opportunity to come together in support of our affiliates.


We’ve not only moved to a brand new, state-of-the-art gym but we have also updated our website! Click below to check it out. Please note, all the information on this website is outdated including pricing.

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