Month: May 2020

QUARANTEAM: The Results!

QUARANTEAM is a wrap! When we began the challenge eight weeks ago, on 1 April, we really had no idea how long it would continue, although we didn’t anticipate that we’d be QUARANTEAMING for 56 days!

We launched the challenge in the belief that the best chance for us all to remain happy, fit and healthy through an extended and indeterminate period of confinement would be by helping and supporting each other and getting through it together. It’s been fantastic to see so many of you getting involved on a daily basis and using activities such as our Zoom classes, Friday Night Lights Quiz and Smoothie Saturday/Cook Along With Tom to remain engaged and keep in touch with us and with each other. We hope that participating in the challenge has helped you during this unprecedented interruption of our daily lives and we’d like to thank each of you for getting involved and making it such a rewarding challenge.

Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup

Just a reminder that partner WOD Saturday is now EARLIER at 10:00. This gives you the opportunity to get your WOD in before the Cook Along with Tom. Also, there is no need to partner up with someone beforehand, we will do that for you!

We’re going Asian this week with a simple, yet delicious stir-fry! Jamie’s Quick Steak Stir Fry is high in protein and low in carbs so if you’re following up your training session with this meal we recommend you add a carb source such as rice or noodles. If you’re not into red meat, you can always sub it out with chicken or if you’re a veggie, tofu!


We’re still on course for a July reopening and we’ve been incredibly busy behind the scenes making preparations for your return. We can assure you that we will be the cleanest gym in London! While we wait for direction from the government, we have some solid plans in place and if you’re feeling uneasy about Sleven’s reopening, we would like to reassure you that everything will be OK. While the future is uncertain, we’re confident we can provide you with a fantastic training experience.

Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup

For this week’s Cook Along with Tom, we’ve chosen a brunch favourite: smoky mushroom frittata! If you’re following a low carb diet or looking to up your protein intake, this simple recipe is for you! To help you fit your macros, you can easily serve with toast or crusty bread to up the carb content. If you need to cut down the fat in the recipe, you can make some easy substitions: turkey bacon, egg whites and light cheese.


Let’s be honest here, lockdown is beginning to drag! We’ve not only noticed this ourselves, personally, but in the enthusiasm and engagement of the membership and it’s completely expected. The days seem to merge together, any novelty has worn off and we’re all craving social interaction, outdoor activities and especially, getting back to the gym! We’ve reached out to every member personally and we’re seeing a common trend: either work has become exponentially busier, as the business you’re in switches online, or you have nothing to do! We worry mostly about those of you with nothing to do so please do reach out to us if you are feeling hopeless,lonely or fancy a chat. We are here to help!

Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup

Smoothie Saturday is now Cook Along with Tom! We will be pulling recipes from a book we love, Jamie Oliver’s 5 Ingredients which makes shopping and meal prepping simple while also giving you inspiration to cook some delicious recipes.


Yesterday, we received a payout for CrossFit HQs “Support Your Local Box” competition and we’d like to send out a massive heartfelt thank you!

Not only was it a fun weekly competition with so many of you participating, many of you found some spare funds at a tough economic time which shows the strength of our community! Needless to say, we can’t wait to be back and we’ve been hard at work behind the scenes to make your return and experience at Sleven the best it can possibly be!

Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup

If your head is swimming with recipes, macros and calculators, then our six week personalised nutrition program is designed for you! Our step-by-step program is drip fed so you are not overwhelmed at any point. With holidays and social distractions out the window for the foreseeable future, now is the time to get a head start on your diet. The habits and information you learn now will last well beyond quarantine and getting in the right habits now will serve you a lifetime.


We’ve not only moved to a brand new, state-of-the-art gym but we have also updated our website! Click below to check it out. Please note, all the information on this website is outdated including pricing.

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