Updated COVID-19 Measures
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We hope you are managing to stay calm, healthy and continue as best you can in such an uncertain time. We're keeping a close eye on developments so far as the impact of coronavirus is concerned. We will refine our approach in line with developments and make regular updates to all members.

We'd like to thank you all for your continuous efforts in washing hands and wiping gym equipment after use. During this difficult time, we wanted to reassure you that we are committed to ensuring the least amount of impact to your training as possible.

We wanted to bring you up to date with a few important changes that will be made with effect from Tuesday 17 March. It is widely anticipated that there will be a steep rise in the rate of infection in the coming days. To try and reduce the potential for the spreading of the virus amongst our members, we are taking the following steps:
  1. Reducing the size of all classes to 10 members.  We will be cancelling everyone out of classes in the order they were booked, so the last 4 members to book in to a class of 14 will lose their spots (please check your class reservations to see if you still have your booking).
  2. We will set up 10 stations for the day's WOD which will be used, and then wiped down, by each class.
  3. The stations will be set up and remain in place all day, so members are ENCOURAGED to come in during Open Gym which runs ALL DAY. We know that many of you are now working from home and it may be more convenient for you to come in and train during the day. If you are on an unlimited pack, don't worry about booking. If you are on a limited pack, please book in one of the Open Gym slots.
  4. No sharing of equipment - this will mean no partner or team WODs for the time being and no sharing of barbells in Strength, or other classes. Programming will be adjusted accordingly.
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If you have any underlying health conditions that you think may leave you vulnerable to infection, please stay at home for the foreseeable future. If you're feeling unwell but do not demonstrate the COVID-19 symptoms, please do the right thing and stay at home until you're feeling better.

If you think you might have symptoms, or could have been in contact with any person that has or could test positive for COVID-19, then we urge you to inform us as soon as possibleYou can contact us by clicking on the button below.
Contact Us
We are committed to staying open and providing our services for as long as we reasonably can. There are two scenarios which could change that:
  1. We are forced to close by the government or other appropriate body.
  2. A time comes where we see no other option that would ensure the continued safety of our members and staff.
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We’ve not only moved to a brand new, state-of-the-art gym but we have also updated our website! Click below to check it out. Please note, all the information on this website is outdated including pricing.

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