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We announced updated measures yesterday in an effort to minimise the risk of Coronavirus at Sleven. If you missed it, you can read that here.

We appreciate that there's huge uncertainty at the moment and so we've compiled an FAQ to try and address some of the questions that you may have. 

Will you be closing?

We are committed to staying open and ensuring the least amount of impact on your training as possible. We're keeping a close eye on government guidance so far as Coronavirus is concerned and we will continue to refine our approach and make regular updates to all members.

There are two scenarios which could change that:
  1. We are forced to close by the government or other appropriate body.
  2. A time comes where we see no other reasonable option to safeguard the health of our members and staff.
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Will you be posting home workouts?

In the event that we close, we'll posting daily home programmes for our members. At the moment, we are working tirelessly running classes, writing up class programming and, crucially, cleaning the gym round the clock.

If we see a major increase in the number of our members self-isolating, or the situation changes, we may bring forward the posting of home workouts. We are keenly aware that there are a MILLION home WODs online. However, we want a programme that you can follow daily and see improvements in your strength, fitness and mobility.

As such, we have devised the following blueprint for a programme: 
  • Successories: Functional body building style home workouts that will serve as your strength training. Think all the successory stuff we already do but we sub in bands. We will film the movements and post to our MetCon programme daily. Having the below two band sets will be a pre-requisite but if you have weights or kit at home, you can always sub those in too. We have included links below to a hip circle band set and resistance bands you can buy off Amazon. If you only buy one resistance band, we recommend red or black as this will be the most versatile. We recommend buying these bands or similar online NOW so you when we're all in isolation, you don't miss out on the gains!
  • WOD: We will post a daily home WOD with little kit. We're going to get good at push-ups, air squats, burpees and sit-ups! Make sure you have your skipping rope at home as we will be including dubs in these workouts. If you don't have one yet, we sell Sleven branded SGF speed ropes at the gym!
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Buy Small Circle Resistance Band Set
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Buy Resistance Band (Red or Black)

Can I freeze my membership?

If we close the gym or you are unable to attend the gym because of illness or self-isolation, then we will freeze your membership. There will be no fee charged for doing so. Email us and we will freeze your membership for the duration of this crisis.

Can I continue to pay my membership?

In short, yes! We are committed to providing value for our members even in the event that the gym is closed for a spell - we won't be disappearing! We have outlined our plans to post daily, Sleven-specific programmes for you to do at home and we will, of course, be on-hand and available via both email and social media to respond to any questions that you may have. We will also be providing other information, such as nutrition advice in conjunction with our partners, pH Nutrition, to help address what, for many, will be unique and challenging conditions. We hope that as many of our members as possible will continue to support us in order to give Sleven the best chance of bouncing back when the current crisis abates.

To continue paying your fees if we close, please let us know you would like to opt-in by clicking on the below button.
I'd Like to Continue Paying my Membership

What should I be eating if I'm self-isolating?

First things first, the principles do not change. You still need to eat nutrient dense foods in the right amounts for your goal. Do not think you need to start doing something weird and wonderful!

Maybe you need to lower the amount of calories you are consuming due to the reduction in movement and intensity of training but other than that you shouldn’t be stressing about much else.

To find out how much you should be eating you can use the pH Nutrition Calorie Calculator!

- Liam & Tom, pH Nutrition -

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We’ve not only moved to a brand new, state-of-the-art gym but we have also updated our website! Click below to check it out. Please note, all the information on this website is outdated including pricing.

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