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TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN is our at home, online strength & conditioning programme to keep you moving, even if you're stuck in a tiny urban flat, wherever you are in the world! We have produced a library of videos to show how to perform the less common, more technical movements to help you navigate your way through each day’s programme. The full details of these workouts will be posted on Wodify and Instagram each evening at 20:00 GMT for the following day.

The programme is designed to be simple and there is no need for ANY kit. We do include resistance bands in some of the workouts (we provide links to purchase further down). Some people are self-isolating and we wanted this to be accessible for everyone, wherever you are! Movements can be done with or without resistance bands, so if you're waiting for Amazon to deliver them, you can still get cracking.

BUT...don’t let the simplicity fool you. TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN will help build and maintain your strength, mobility and fitness whilst you are at home. 

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If you have no kit at home, you aren't able to go heavy so we have incorporated what we call successories into your new strength program. Successories are functional bodybuilding style home workouts with accessory movements like the bulgarian split squat that will help build and maintain your strength. We will incorporate tempos, static holds, and unilateral movements using a combination of bands and bodyweight.

Below is an example of one of our chest days!

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WOD From Home

WFH are conditioning workouts to get your heart racing and develop and improve your fitness. These workouts will be designed to require no equipment other than a skipping rope and the recommended bands. WFH will vary in movements, length and intensity each day. We will have  workouts for time, AMRAPS, EMOMs and interval training with interesting rep schemes to keep you motivated, get your heart pumping and your sweat on!

Just to ensure you have really emptied the tank, most days will include a short, sharp finisher so you end your workout on a high.

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What do I Need?

All you need is your trusty Sleven skipping rope (or any skipping rope), a thin resistance red or black band and a hip circle! We've included a couple of links to suitable bands below which you can easily purchase off Amazon. If the ones shown aren't available, ANY similar ones will do. If you're in doubt between red or black, get the red one!

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Buy Hip Circle Band Set
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b7012fb3 cf82 4c6c 929b 58e96daf9a2d
Buy Resistance Band (Red or Black)

When & Where Will it be Posted?

The TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN programme will be published daily at 20:00 for the following day on both Wodify and our social media platforms. On Wodify you will find a daily TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN class at midday. We encourage you to reserve and sign-in to this virtual class so that you will be able to post your scores. We expect fierce rivalry on that leaderboard!

We have filmed demo videos which we will post each evening to Instagram and warm-ups on our Instagram stories so you know exactly what to do.

If you're unsure about something or you're having issues with Wodify, just click on the button below and we'd be delighted to help!

Email us with Questions!
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We’ve not only moved to a brand new, state-of-the-art gym but we have also updated our website! Click below to check it out. Please note, all the information on this website is outdated including pricing.

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