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COVID-19 has produced the most unprecedented and unimaginable circumstances, interrupting our lives, routines, social interaction and daily habits - and we don’t know for how long! We believe that the best chance for us to remain happy, fit and healthy through this period of confinement is by helping and supporting each other and getting through it together. We’re launching SLEVEN QUARANTEAM to help keep you busy, with daily and weekly activities and to provide a way to keep the Sleven community engaged as one team through our quarantine!

SLEVEN QUARANTEAM is more than an accountability challenge, it will consist of daily activities, some familiar such as our TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN fitness programme but with others, too, to keep things fresh and interesting. It will also include online social events. We’ll be running the challenge through Wodify Rise, an easy-to-use app so you’ll have everything that you need in one place.

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How Much Does it Cost?

SLEVEN QUARANTEAM is FREE and is available for current members, former friends of Sleven and the public - for everyone! It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, we’re here to keep you accountable. Get your flatmates, friends and family involved, we think everyone can benefit and we’d love to welcome them to the Sleven family.

We’ll be kicking things off on Wednesday 1st April, so make sure that you sign-up in the next two days. What are you waiting for?!

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How Does it Work?

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Each morning, at 6am, you'll receive an email with your day’s tasks and activities to check off in Wodify Rise. Don’t worry, you won’t be inundated with a flurry of annoying chores that will rapidly become just a box ticking exercise. There will be a maximum of 3 tasks per day, including a continuing weekly activity that changes every Wednesday. We are going to get you reading the first week so now’s the time to order that book you’ve always wanted to read!

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We will choose tasks and activities from the categories below:

This will largely consist of completing TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN workouts and the Home Alone Open. We will be including rest days, mobility work and extra credit such as going for a run (I know, terrible!) as well as including other fitness challenges.

In partnership with pH nutrition, QUARANTEAM will help and guide  you to gold standard nutrition principles and also provide some accountability. We know that many of you are having issues with boredom eating or not knowing how to reduce calories in balance with reduced activity levels during this stay home period - and we’re here to help! Tasks will include  meal prepping, trying out new recipes and learning about (or returning to!) tracking your macros. The next pH nutrition 6-week personalised fat loss or strength nutrition intake starts on Thursday 9th April and if you’ve ever wondered what it’s all about, QUARANTEAM will help ease you into it.

It’s easy to settle into an unhealthy and unrewarding daily routine at this time and so we’ll be including tasks to help you try and avoid this. Now is the time to pick up the book that you’ve been meaning to start or to learn something new, whether it’s cooking, typing, a new language or fitness principles, we’ll help get you started.

Just because we’re at home doesn’t mean we can’t stay connected. We’re going to see the return of FNL, QUARANTEAM style! Let your hair down every Friday night with your Sleven mates online with pub quizzes, bingo nights and other social activities. We can even cook chicken and rice for the after FNL Nando’s!

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How Long Does it Last?

QUARANTEAM will last the duration of the lockdown. While we don't know how long that will be, rest assured, we’ll be here with you for the long haul. We want QUARANTEAM to improve your life over this period and we’ve designed it so that the activities we involve you in are fun, varied, rewarding and most importantly, sustainable over what is likely to be a lengthy period.

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There will be Prizes!

Our winner will be decided by the most adherent participant on Wodify Rise. If we have several winners, the coaches will decide the winner based on community spirit. Have you helped others? Have you shown off your masterpiece, macro friendly recipe on Instagram? Did you reach out to others in times of need?

That being said, we will have one QUARANTEAM winner and prizes are:

  • Free month's membership at the end of your current plan and if you're not on a membership, your last month free on 6 or 12 month 3x per week or unlimited membership
  • Whey’d prize package
  • 5 days delivered Fresh Fitness Food
  • Sleven Snapback and T-shirt/vest
  • Case of Nocco & box of Barebells bars
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Copyright © 2020 Sleven CrossFit, All rights reserved.

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We’ve not only moved to a brand new, state-of-the-art gym but we have also updated our website! Click below to check it out. Please note, all the information on this website is outdated including pricing.

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