The Sleven Open Results
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Don't forget that the deadline to purchase your tickets for the SLEVEN XMAS Extravaganza is 30 November! More details further below.

The Sleven Open Results

After much conjecture, 20.5 ended up being a leg scorcher with advanced gymnastics! We rounded off the Open with another fantastic Friday night at Sleven. 20.5, with wall-balls and rowing, was another quad-ravaging workout, and the ring muscle-ups and pull-ups served to blow-up the shoulders! The WOD required an excellent level of gymnastic endurance to be able to perform the high volume of muscle-ups while blowing hard from the conditioning elements of the WOD. We're proud that two of our athletes completed the workout and eight more performed at least 30 muscle-ups!

With no further ado, we're displeased to announce that the overall winner of the 2020 Sleven Open is Coach Loz's Reapers! Despite coming third in 20.5, the pesky Reapers clung on with a measly 31 point margin and a late score submission to snatch victory from the Assassins! The Devils cemented their position in third and the Pirates came last, deep in Davy Jones' Locker.

4c11da8b 88d0 42b2 a24a bb5d641a96bf
486b7fad 5ac5 4405 832c a7d0ce39cdff
fc50e394 2c3d 40de b7f8 72aaad810f26
cb6fe693 1497 4265 bc38 b2cc1c58e490
5b9aeb2e 8228 4ad1 9822 6802c8da9355
7c01c999 617a 4fea a9cc f0e0e244a90e
e97066df 3d08 4cc7 bfe9 132387432a87
199af871 eed9 47ff a8e3 2e2b1b5efc98
982ae58b 41d1 460d 9972 d8fedd25ca41
2c18cce0 1bd6 4e7d 8525 b3016f34c59e
1ed9bcbb 49c1 4958 945f 478c3d5b9392
1bb00702 9602 4cfa b667 7e58cf5d6bef
09790880 49d7 492b a921 7c7ab71339e6
105bc041 6d8c 48b1 9119 b1e66c73dbef

20.5’s Rx workout demanded the ability to perform multiple ring muscle-ups under increasing fatigue. It was amazing to see Rufus and Chris perform 40 muscle-ups and complete the WOD. We are very proud to have seen a total of 27 athletes doing muscle-ups, including Dario, who managed his first ever muscle-up and ended with 16! Both Lee and Tom also performed muscle-ups in a WOD for the very first time. We saw some brilliant performances from Pietro and Abdoul, with 36 and 35 muscle-ups respectively. 

Once again, we saw a great competition on the Scaled workout. Ollie finished in an incredible 12:31, over a minute ahead of the second place finisher, Leo. We also saw some fantastic pull-up performances, particularly from Ginger George who finished the wall balls and rowing in a blistering 10:19 before making her first pull-up and going on to get a total of 11! Lastly, we saw a big performance from Susie ‘I don’t have pull-ups’ Q, who ended with a total of 26.

Sleven Open Winner

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Sleven's top dog, Chris, is proof that consistency is key! Chris finished 2nd or 3rd in every WOD with some phenomenal performances in both 20.1 and 20.3. He finished 20.1, a heart exploding combo of ground-to-overhead and burpees in 11:14, after 3 attempts and a lot of determination!

Chris is known for lifting gargantuan weight but we were impressed to see him finish a 25 ft handstand walk with his midline in tatters and shoulders on fire. The pinnacle of the Sleven Open was an incredibly hard fought battle between Chris and Coach Loz. Despite not finishing first in any event, Chris crucially didn't have a bad WOD and this was the difference in the end!

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430ac1c0 0a3b 4857 9f6c a0b967c4b0ce

Top Female

bf6c7fad 3010 469f 847a e490cba1e80c

We have fawned over Coach Loz in the newsletter weekly and with good reason, she's been incredible! Loz topped the leaderboard three weeks in a row and her best performance came in 20.4, which was a masterclass in weightlifting. Loz was only 5 reps short of finishing and came a whopping 26 reps ahead of fellow reaper, Jamie.

We're gutted Loz couldn't secure the whole Sleven Open and we know this is just going to fire her up for the Open in 2021!

19a5d1d0 ceb3 415f b757 63d15ecf1449
06a0929f f099 430b 9182 5a95a0ee382b

Spirit of the Open

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Sleven's Media Team made our Open extra special. Muffin and James dedicated their evenings to taking pictures and videos of all our members taking on the biggest CrossFit event of the year. That doesn't include the hours spent editing and producing content, which arguably, is harder! Our newsletters and social media have been rich with content and that is all due to them. We're so grateful for the incredible work done by the media team and there was no one else we could have given this award to.

We're pleased to announce that Media Team t-shirts are being organised.
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b48cd3b9 e461 4ddd 96b2 bcfc7abe2fec

Top Newcomer

0b235b47 d5b9 423d 9464 da7d6ede6474

Newcomer Tom had a fantastic Open. Tom did all five WODs and took on each of them in his stride, taking our advice and planning out his strategies meticulously. Tom's best WODs were 20.1 and 20.5 and impressively, in 20.5, performed his first muscle-up a few minutes prior! Tom then went on to do 19 muscle-ups.

Tom arrived at our doors stronger than the average human. However, his attitude is second to none and we love his eagerness to learn. Tom has a bright future ahead, especially in Gymnastics!

Well done, Tom!

a7583ddd fd58 45a7 bba8 848f6e24aed6
9b12ae85 b62a 46f7 981f ba89d8cee22c

Rainhill Trials

Well done to our 12 athletes who competed at Rainhill this weekend. In the end, it was the worm that won in the final, defeating all of our teams in their pursuit of a podium finish! We're super proud of everyone and couldn't be happier to have such a lovely bunch representing Sleven. 

085c726f 097c 4b44 9df5 0d2a4d3366be
496ceac8 3e45 48fe b683 f7cd887b9925
65022ccc 967e 41e1 8283 ea7fcc5c7e05
303d0bf6 90db 4826 a6db f2abcfee8e52
4c7f62b1 bf4e 431f a409 8721c7ee94ca
74f02807 ac5c 4392 8ff1 6be9416dfe50
be3cfc2a 5acd 409a 9137 194d181533d5
b1092fd1 87d8 4ae7 94cf 923da7795f4d
04763537 3de3 4984 a12b af162e7f89fb
906e3647 cfa7 4f02 bf61 b01aec2f97ad

Remembrance Sunday

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67532e3e 9cd8 41f3 82b7 4226166d4551

On Sunday, our members commemorated Remembrance Day by taking on “Murph”, one of CrossFit’s toughest WODs. Despite its fearsome reputation, 25 Sleveners took on the challenge, including a number of first-timers!

It was a beautiful crisp autumnal morning to run two miles in a weighted vest! We saw some fantastic performances from first time "unpartitioners" Greg, Pete, Abdoul and Houli. After the pain had subsided from our arms and legs, ten Sleveners made our way to the Black Dog Pub for a much deserved Sunday roast and restorative pint(s)!

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Are you tired of being weak? Embarassed by your olympic lifting technique? Fear no more, we have the antidote for that! Next week, we have invited some expert weightlifters to take over SLEVEN STRENGTH!

Sarah Hilton and Richard Munro, two of the most experienced weighlifting coaches in London, have been invited to come down for Strength on Tuesday 19 and Thursday 21 November to take you through your paces! Both have competed at Nationals Senior Level, hold their BWL 2 Coaching Certification and are National level Technical Officials...meaning they have you covered from every angle!
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Last week, you got the chance to try out WHEYD during Friday Night Lights and if you liked it, don't forget that as a valued Sleven member, you benefit from 20% off everything on the all WHEYD website! Just use the discount code SLEVEN at checkout. As an extra added bonus, you can use Sleven's address to have your protein delivered straight to the gym! Score!

SLEVEN XMAS Extravaganza

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Stop what you're doing right now and block out 14th OF DECEMBER on your calendar! Sleven is hosting its first independent Xmas party and boy, is it going to be fantastic!

We have booked out the Old Queen's Head in Islington and have prepared a day chock full of activities for you. The day will start at the gym for the Sleven 12 Days of Xmas WOD. If you participated in it last year, you'll remember it was a doozy!

Once you have returned home, freshened up and donned your favourite festive frock, we have reserved the Clubroom at our venue for an exclusive private Christmas lunch. The Clubroom is cosy yet spacious with our own private bar and host. Upon arrival, you will make your way to the bar for a complimentary welcome drink to get the day started. Lunch will be served as a three course meal served family style with sharing platters for each table. This way of eating is perfect to enjoy with your SLEVEN family! Each table will also be waiting for you with both red and white wine.
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e4064649 2e2d 4938 a632 482577740de0
Once we're done with lunch, we have reserved the Play Room upstairs. If you're bored of talking about CrossFit, there are a bunch of activities to get you back in the mood including karaoke, retro arcade games, foosball, and twister! The drinks will flow via our own private host and refrigerator.

After the success of last year's Secret Santa, we're going to carry on the tradition again this year. Our resident intern, Emma Wilcock, will be taking care of all the details closer to the time.

You can start reserving your place NOW either by emailing us or by chatting to us at the gym. If you have any special dietary requirments, please let us know in advance. The cost per person is £37.50 and we will take payment through Shopify at the gym or if you prefer, invoice you via Wodify. The deadline to sign up is 30th November. Remember, this will include a welcome drink, a three course meal including wine for the table and all the activities in the evening!

Don't miss out on the event of the year!
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1ec3e513 fffc 4219 ab24 5522aacfeb1d
fc24228b cc7f 42f2 9628 b6b9a8929474

SLEVEN Calendar

9 - 13 December: Testing Week
14 December: SLEVEN XMAS Extravaganza
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We’ve not only moved to a brand new, state-of-the-art gym but we have also updated our website! Click below to check it out. Please note, all the information on this website is outdated including pricing.

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