Your Weekly Nutrition Roundup
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Another intake of our six week personalised nutrition program is open! If you've let things slip a little bit this quarantine then this is a great opportunity to help you get back on track. If you pair this with our TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN coached classes which start this week, we can help keep you accountable in both fitness and nutrition. Use the extra time you find you have as a result of the lockdown to develop good habits that will last well beyond quarantine.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to track my food?
Yes and no. The reason why we ask people to track their calories and macros in the initial stages is to understand how much they are currently eating. Then we can make small changes to align with the targets we set. Once you understand portion sizes and macronutrient balance, you can stop.

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I want to get leaner AND stronger, is this program for me?
Ah the number one question we get! And the answer is….yes, this is for you.

All you need to do is choose lean gains or fat loss gradual as your targets on the template. This will keep your intake at a level to support training and only put you in a very slight deficit at certain times. The meal structure and timings are the key to leaning out and getting stronger. When our clients follow the timings consistently they CRUSH it!

You may have heard that it doesn’t matter about timings etc for losing fat. This is kinda correct as your overall intake is most important. But when trying to fuel training, get lean and get strong, meal timings become very important.

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I (delete as appropriate) am on holiday, have a work trip, go out at weekends, Should I still sign-up?
This is possibly the only time in our lives that we will have a clear run of doing nothing but training, sleeping and prepping food. Not only this, we will give you the tools and information to manage going back to normal life, nights out, holidays, weekends away etc.

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Our step-by-step six week program is designed for those who perform any kind of functional fitness. It is delivered through our app and we drip feed the program so you are not overwhelmed at any point.

That’s a real issue with a lot of online plans, they are just one big information dump and you end up reading about things that you are nowhere near ready to take on board.

Making manageable, small changes will allow you to build momentum and not get crushed by a tsunami of stress and confusion. We have a structured plan to follow for the six weeks and clear advice on how to progress beyond this!

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Buy 6 Week Personalised Fat Loss Program
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Buy 6 Week Personalised Strength Program

Recipe of the Week

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We're putting our Cook Along with Tom on the backburner for the time being but we'll still be delivering some top quality recipes! This week we have some super simple, delicious and nutritious peanut butter protein bars for you. These will last you all week and provide a healthy dose of protein, carbs and fat. If you struggle with snacks in the afternoon, why don't you give these a bash?

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Liam has jumped onto the podcast bandwagon, teaming up with Tom Lowe (PT and Instagram legend) and Adam French (owner of WHEY'D) to do the 'World Class Basics' Podcast.

It is a light-hearted podcast covering topics such as fitness, nutrition, supplements and business, to help enhance your performance and everyday life. 'World Class Basics' means doing things that are actually going to make a difference. We cut through the nonsense, providing you with simple take home points to improve your health, fitness and nutrition. Put together by Tom, Adam and Liam who have experience working with Professional Sports Teams & Players, 1-to-1 'everyday' clients and we all run our own businesses so our stories are worth listening to!

This week Liam and the team uncover how accurate fitness trackers are at tracking calories and review the main benefits and drawbacks of using them. It's surprising the results you can achieve! ⁣

In other news, Liam gives a story about "The Red Room" at Fulham FC, we find out what bet Tom and Liam have, why Adam can't track his favourite activity anc we set a challenge for our listeners.⁣

Listen to the Podcast
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Don't forget, as a Sleven member, you get 20% off all WHEYD products using the code SLEVEN on their website!

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We’ve not only moved to a brand new, state-of-the-art gym but we have also updated our website! Click below to check it out. Please note, all the information on this website is outdated including pricing.

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