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The CrossFit Open is the largest participatory sporting event in the world and we're pleased to announce that Sleven will be involved! This year’s Open will be the most accessible in history, with flexible options for members to compete at home, with or without equipment. All you’ll need is a clear space in your home, driveway, or nearby park.

This year's Open promises to be very different from previous editions. First, it's reduced to three weeks, rather than the customary five week duration. Second, with Coronavirus restrictions causing gym closures and restrictions on operation around the world, participants will be able to do versions of the workout at home. Whilst we'll miss our packed out Friday night Open sessions and our end-of-Open party, the Open will be a great opportunity to bring a focus to your training.

The three-week online event starts on March 11th and will unite Sleven members with athletes all over the globe. We've devised the next phase of Lockdown programming, starting on February 1st, to get you fit and ready and set you up to tackle the Open workouts. As always, this programme is fully adaptable to suit your fitness level and equipment that you have available.

In a nutshell, the programming as a whole will see less Successories and increased classic CrossFit style, at home workouts!

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The Plan

Sleven's Open prep programme will run for 6 weeks taking you right up to the start of the competition. You don't have to have any interest in the Open to take part, use it as an opportunity to build your engine over lockdown!

Weeks 1 and 2: High Volume + Low Intensity

To kick things off, we will be focusing on getting lots of reps in at a pace you can handle. The workouts will be slightly longer and will have you working at a maintainable pace over the course of each workout.

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Week 3: High Volume + Low-Moderate Intensity

Now that we have you used to an increased volume, we'll begin to push the intensity a bit more. As your body and fitness levels adapt to the volume of reps during the workouts, we will be asking you to complete more reps in similar time frames. 

Week 4: Moderate Volume + Moderate Intensity

We're now into the meat and potatoes of the programme and we'll begin to reduce the length of workouts to bring them closer to the time frames you can expect in the Open. The reps will also be reduced slightly but the intensity will increase and you will be feeling the BURN!

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Week 5: Low Volume + High Intensity

Intensity will be at its peak and you will be going deep into the pain cave. Workouts will be shorter but they will be TOUGH! By the time you get to the end of this week, you will be ready for whatever work the Open throws at you. 


Week 6: Maintain

Fitness has well and truly been achieved by this point and this final phase will have you moving at a decreased intensity and volume allowing you to recover, maintain your gainz and prepare for the first week of the Open. 

This programme is designed to get your heart and lungs working! Just because we don’t have access to barbells and a rig to practice the higher skill work, that doesn’t mean that we can’t get proper fit working on the basics.

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Zoom Schedule

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We will be swapping our regularly scheduled 24Sleven Zoom classes with our Open prep classes, so don't worry, our schedule times won't be changing! We've seen good attendance thus far in our Zoom classes and we hope to see more of you take part!

We've made it as easy as possible to access, using the same Zoom Meeting ID and Password FOR ALL CLASSES. The schedule and programming will be on Wodify for paying members.

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Meeting ID:
247 247 7711



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Are you worried about coming out of Lockdown small and weak? Then get ready for POWER HOUR – our brand new, one-off programme designed to get you building muscle and size through strength work, Successories and SWODS.

POWER HOUR launches on February 1st and Coach Julz has designed it to be complementary to all the conditioning work you'll be doing for the Open.

Don't miss your stop on the gainz train!

Sleven Facebook Group

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To keep everyone connected, we'll be posting more often in our private FB group. Whether it's dank memes, extra tips and tricks or bonus content, we'll be doing our utmost to keep all Sleveners connected throughout this lockdown. 

If you're not a member, just click on the below button and request access and we'll let you in!

Join Group Now
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Sleven Flex

https://slevenfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/flex_pre_sales_ad_reel.mp4 Flex is a new way of tailoring your fitness at Sleven with a membership that can adapt and change as your goals do. The

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Sleven X Games

https://slevenfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/SLEVEN_X_GAMES_FINE-CUT_9-16.mp4 SLEVEN X GAMES Have you been training hard? Are you ready to test your fitness to the max? If so, join us on Saturday

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Sleven Open

The CrossFit Open is only a week away and Sleven is going big this year with our very own Sleven Open, where anyone — regardless

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Movember Run

This Saturday, 27 November at 12:30, Sleven is participating in a 60km run for Movember organised by the Running Room London. The 60km represents the

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Sleven X Stone Athletic

Sleven X Stone Athletic We’re super excited to announce that we’ve started collaborating with Stone Athletic to provide Sleven branded apparel! Today’s launch is the

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We’ve not only moved to a brand new, state-of-the-art gym but we have also updated our website! Click below to check it out. Please note, all the information on this website is outdated including pricing.

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