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Freedom Day is finally upon us! After 18 months of lockdowns and social distancing, we're delighted to inform you that as of Monday 19 July, in line with the lifting of Government restrictions, we're reverting to "regular" numbers in the classes and crucially for FNL, to the sharing of equipment.

These changes will allow us to increase class capacity, easing the pressure on our most popular classes. We've seen a consistent and steady growth in membership since reopening and we can't wait for our newer members to experience the real, unrestrained Sleven.

Nando's Fridays are back!

With the expansion of class numbers, we're consolidating our lunchtime and evening FNL classes to one each respectively. We'll see up to 28 members getting sweaty together in our famous team workouts. Starting Friday 23 July for those in the evening class, we'll be making our way to Vauxhall's finest chicken establishment, Nando's, for optional spicy grilled chicken and beer!

Sunday Sweat Anyone?

We are also adding a new MetCon class on Sundays at 11:00 in place of one of the two Gymnastics classes currently on the schedule.

All the changes have been made on Wodify for next week so get booking away!

New Wodify App

We’re pleased to announce that Wodify have released a brand new app! We will now be using the new WODIFY CLIENT APP moving forward.

Please take a moment to download the app from the App Store or Google Play and start enjoying the new features and improved performance. This new and enhanced app will give you the ability to reserve your class, track your results, and share your accomplishments.

While we are eager to start using the improved app, Wodify would also love to hear your feedback. If you have any additional thoughts, please email support@wodify.com.

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Waitlists, Late Cancellations & No Shows

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With many new and returning members, we'd like to remind you of our waitlist, late cancellation and no-show policies. Full details of which can be found via the link below.
Important Information About Waitlists, Cancellations & No Shows

The pH Hub

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The pH Hub is now included in all Sleven Memberships!*

The Hub is a fantastic resource for all things nutrition and performance. It is specifically created for people who want a nutrition programme to follow without the confusion.

All of the material is easy to access and will allow you to:
  • Dip in and out at times that suit you.
  • Work through the programmes at your OWN pace.
  • Use the resources to streamline your nutrition choices.
All you have to do to get involved is sign-up via the link below. You will have the option to fill in a short survey and Coach Loz will be in contact to guide you towards the resources most relevant to you!
Access the Hub!
*The pH Hub is not included in the 7-day trial, first month offer or class packs. However, we can still sign you up, just email Coach Loz and we'll sort it for you!
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Sleven Flex

https://slevenfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/flex_pre_sales_ad_reel.mp4 Flex is a new way of tailoring your fitness at Sleven with a membership that can adapt and change as your goals do. The

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Sleven X Games

https://slevenfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/SLEVEN_X_GAMES_FINE-CUT_9-16.mp4 SLEVEN X GAMES Have you been training hard? Are you ready to test your fitness to the max? If so, join us on Saturday

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Sleven Open

The CrossFit Open is only a week away and Sleven is going big this year with our very own Sleven Open, where anyone — regardless

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Movember Run

This Saturday, 27 November at 12:30, Sleven is participating in a 60km run for Movember organised by the Running Room London. The 60km represents the

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Sleven X Stone Athletic

Sleven X Stone Athletic We’re super excited to announce that we’ve started collaborating with Stone Athletic to provide Sleven branded apparel! Today’s launch is the

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We’ve not only moved to a brand new, state-of-the-art gym but we have also updated our website! Click below to check it out. Please note, all the information on this website is outdated including pricing.

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