Your Weekly Dose of SLEVEN
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Yesterday, we received a payout for CrossFit HQs "Support Your Local Box" competition and we'd like to send out a massive heartfelt thank you!

Not only was it a fun weekly competition with so many of you participating, many of you found some spare funds at a tough economic time which shows the strength of our community! Needless to say, we can't wait to be back and we've been hard at work behind the scenes to make your return and experience at Sleven the best it can possibly be!

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The European Championships

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We will be wrapping up the first WOD of the European Championships when this mailer goes out and if you think you've missed the boat to get involved, you haven't! If you would still like to participate, the deadline for score submission is not until Sunday at 23:00 so you have plenty of time to get it done.

If you haven't seen our previous communications, the European Championships is offering a FREE online competition which we will be integrating into our Bodyweight and Bells programming for TWENTY FOUR SLEVEN on Wednesdays. WODs will be released on Mondays for a total of three weeks and three workouts. You don't need any kit if you want to participate in the Bodyweight workouts and all you need for Bells is a 22.5/15 kg dumbbell and a skipping rope!

To sign-up for the competition, all you have to do is click on the below button. Coach Emma will be running a Zoom class on Wednesdays at 18:30 for those wanting a bit of support getting into that "dark place". The session will include a warm-up, strategies and a demonstration of movement standards.

Sign-Up FREE for The European Championships
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Wednesday 13 May at 18:30 with Coach Emma

You can participate for FREE on Zoom

Meeting ID: 829 9135 3830
Password: 711711
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Six Week Nutrition Program

The deadline for our our six week personalised nutrition programs is tomorrow! With holidays and social distractions out the window for the foreseeable future, now is the time to get a head start on your diet.

Member Renata just came off her Six Week Program and has some glowing words about her experience!

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Renata's Experience

"I was unsure about doing the program while in quarantine with supermarkets getting so busy and shortage of food happening all over. I am glad I decided to follow the program in the end, it kept me busy, focused and something to look forward to and as quarantine progressed, I found that fresh food wasn’t running out easily.

The support I received from pH Nutrition was brilliant. I learned a lot about nutrition and habits through the app which I also used to communicate with Tom there. I was allowing myself one cheat meal a week and once I had those meals, I felt happy and without the need to have it again for another week! After the cheat meal I was ready and looking forward to go back to the program.

I didn’t crave sweets or chocolates right from the start of the six weeks and I felt full after every meal. Because of the quarantine, I had to decrease my calorie intake as I am not moving or exercising as much as I was before. It was a challenge at the start but I did it gradually and it was worthwhile. I have relaxed a bit this week and I am picking up again from tomorrow!"
 Weight Loss = 4.5 kg
Body Fat Decrease = -2.6%
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Buy 6 Week Personalised Fat Loss Program
Buy 6 Week Personalised Strength Program


Week 6 of QUARANTEAM starts today which means your abstention period has come to an end! Hopefully we've helped you develop some good habits and you're not craving whatever it is you gave up too much. We're not professional athletes so the odd beer, glass of wine, digestive biscuits or whatever it is you struggle with won't sabotage your gains but also serve to keep you sane and happy!

Our new weekly task is a CrossFitter's right of passage: the double-under. Learning how to do double-unders can be an insanely frustrating experience - and also a painful one as you whip yourself on missed attempts! Once you have 'got' double-unders (which is often taken to mean managing to to 20 or so unbroken reps on a good day!) it's tempting to stop practicing. 

This week, the task is to work on your double-unders every day, whether you are beginner, intermediate or ninja! For beginners, the task is to spend time each day practicing to get the first, and then a second and so on. For the intermediates, your aim is to work towards more consistent and larger sets. And for the ninjas, your aim to to become even more ninja!

We are aiming for consistent daily practice: it doesn't need to be a lengthy session,10 minutes each day will be plenty. And always spend some time warming up before you begin!

We'll be posting tips, progressions and suggestions for practice throughout the week so stay tuned!

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Niall and Andy continued their QUARANTEAM kitchen war by having a crack at our blueberry bark recipe! We also have Alexis Sykes moving quickly up the leaderboard so the leaders need to watch their backs!

Please make sure you tag 🤳 @slevencrossfit in anything QUARANTEAM related, it's a great way to keep everyone in touch and see what our Sleven family is up to!

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Smoothie Saturday is quickly becoming part of many Sleveners' weekly routine! Not only do you get to try out a new recipe but chat with nutritionist Tom on the hot topics of the week. Come with questions or just have a listen and we bet you'll leave the chat feeling a bit more connected to your fellow Sleveners and hopefully having learned something too.

This week's recipe is a little bit leftfield: Chocolate Beet! The combo of chocolate and beets packs vitamins, minerals, & antioxidants and this smoothie is loaded with protein and carbs which makes for a perfect pre or post training snack! If you're too weirded out by beets, you can always replace with berries.

Smoothie Saturday with Tom
Saturday 2 May at 11:00

You can participate for FREE on Zoom

Meeting ID: 150 324 316
Password: 711711

We're going to switch up the format of our Smoothie Saturdays to a live cook along the following Saturday, on the 16th of May. We will be pulling recipes from a book we love, Jamie Oliver's 5 Ingredients which makes shopping and meal prepping simple while also giving you inspiration to cook some delicious recipes.

We'll be testing out recipes this week and we'll let you know in next Sunday's edition which one we decide on! Don't worry, you won't have to buy the book we will provide all the information and give you the whole week to get the ingredients in. Can't wait!

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Hero WOD Sunday

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Also known as Victory in Europe Day, VE Day marks the Nazis' surrender to allied forces and the end of the war in Europe. The bank holiday this weekend marks the 75th anniversary of this historic moment in British history when Sir Winston Churchill announced the war in Europe had come to an end on 8th May 1945.

Coach Loz designed VE DAY-75 with a rep scheme to match the day fascism was defeated!

75th Anniversary of VE Day
6 Years of war
8th of May
5th Month: May
45th Year

Coach Jamie will be hosting a Zoom session at 11:00 on Sunday 10 May with an appropriate warm-up, scaling options and strategies. We'll be posting demo videos on Saturday night so don't worry if a devil's thruster sounds too complicated!

Hero WOD Sunday with Coach Jamie
Sunday 10 May at 11:00

You can participate for FREE on Zoom

Meeting ID: 867 9097 9121
Password: 711711
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We’ve not only moved to a brand new, state-of-the-art gym but we have also updated our website! Click below to check it out. Please note, all the information on this website is outdated including pricing.

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